
How to monetize a YouTube channel

How to monetize a YouTube channel The world-famous Youtube video hosting provides us all with a unique opportunity to watch any video at any time of the day. In addition, we can create our own channel and start uploading our own videos, revealing our inexhaustible inner potential and thus solving the pressing issues of self-realization. […]

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How to create a YouTube channel

How to create a YouTube channel Ever since YouTube began to provide us ordinary people with the services of storing, delivering and displaying a variety of videos, since then, we, the former ordinary people, have become users of YouTube channels, and tirelessly upload, view, rate, comment, add to favorites and do other cool things with

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Rock music

Rock music The name “rock” originated as an abbreviation for rock and roll, which is chronologically the first genre of rock music. The literal translation from English sounds like swaying or rocking, which conveys well all those rhythmic sensations that arise during movement of a certain kind. Similar roll, twist, swing, shake are formed by

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Pop music (Popular music)

Pop music (Popular music) First of all, you need to understand what pop music is. If this is a song that follows the good old verse-chorus pattern, then most likely it can be attributed to popular music. In addition, she should be able to show off a simple and easy-to-listen melody. And the main instrument

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Holiday music

Holiday music The holiday is an integral part of our life. Anyone who once invented a holiday could hardly have imagined that over time, an entire industry would emerge; solely dedicated to making even more fun on some special day for us. The day, which we, for reasons understandable only to us, wanted to somehow

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