Pop music (Popular music)
First of all, you need to understand what pop music is. If this is a song that follows the good old verse-chorus pattern, then most likely it can be attributed to popular music. In addition, she should be able to show off a simple and easy-to-listen melody. And the main instrument will have to be the human voice.
The accompaniment should also be present, but somewhere in the background – and no lengthy instrumental solos and abstruse musical concepts. And not only because they simply cannot be accommodated in the available two minutes – for this is the average length of a song. Most likely, this is due to the fact that pop music is a derivative of mass culture and should be oriented accordingly.
Most often, popular music is written for dancing, so its rhythmic structure is no less important – only a very clear beat will be acceptable.
In popular songs, music and lyrics are not as significant as their visual embodiment, therefore, all kinds of extravagant dancers-jugglers-acrobats who are not directly involved in the performance of the song will be present here as an inseparable whole. Not to mention the special unique image of the pop artist.
Developing from the beginning of the eighteenth century from traditional folk music, pop music began to gradually draw into its orbit already formed elements of classical musical culture in a highly simplified form. At the same time, there is a sharp increase in the number of composers working exclusively in this vein. The massive appearance of record stores, music publishing houses and record companies added fuel to the fire.
The advent of radio and sound films, along with all other scientific and technical innovations, raised the development of popular music to a new level. Contemporary pop music continues to evolve steadily, steadily becoming more widespread, especially with the advent of the Internet into our life.
Today its availability and mass character is reliably supported by the presence of special Royalty-Free licenses. This amazing license gives anyone the right to use specific popular music for their own personal purposes, not excluding commercial purposes.
The peculiarity of this license is that payment is made only once, immediately at the time of purchase of the selected popular music, and no one is interested in its further fate in the sense of additional receipt of money. That is, Royalty Free Music is a special type of license related to the use of a specific music product in one project.
If someone is interested in how this once demanded value of each specific Royalty Free Music is formed, then he will be happy to know that it is formed by the author of the music, proceeding not only from the conviction of a certain uniqueness of his own creation, but also from the general market conditions of the pop music. Therefore, its low cost is reasonably attributed to the undoubted advantages of Royalty Free Music.
That is, if you are aimed at the commercial use of your project, but are not ready for the costs expressed in numbers with a large number of signs to fill the planet with divine sounds, then the Royalty Free license is just what you need.
If your video or presentation is not for commercial purposes, then you can safely use free popular music. Then the Creative Commons special license comes into play.
It’s no secret that creating music is a rather laborious process, requiring not only special talents from the creator and the presence of many strange adaptations, but incredibly long. Here, the word “long-term” means that this is a process stretching over years, and it should begin at about the age of three. (Although some insist that it’s too late at three, we don’t listen to them).
But the amazing result of this process captures any human individual, forcing him to repeat and repeat listening over and over again. This feature makes it extremely attractive to accompany everything that you want to attract attention with suitable popular music.